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Attendify Studio
KitApps, Inc.
Attendify is the fastest and simplest way tocreate a branded mobile app for your conference, expo or event.Attendify Studio takes the guesswork out of creating your app bygiving you the ability to preview apps on your phone as you buildthem.Studio allows you to preview the Guide, Social and Multi-Event appswith no limitations. Try Attendify’s social features; post photos,messages, create profiles and more. Content added in Studio willremain in Studio and will not affect your app, should you decide topublish it. Here’s how it works:1. Download Attendify Studio2. Enter your Attendify username and password.3. Choose the app you want to preview.4. Make changes to your app on and see updates inreal-time.If you decide to publish your app submit it on andwe’ll take care of the rest. Apps are published within just 5-7business days.Get in Touch:To get started with Attendify and stay up to date on our progressvisit our website and follow us:http://attendify.com
NEXIUM Packets Launch v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
We're looking forward to welcoming you to theNEXIUM Packets Launch in Wilmington on May 5th - 6th, 2015.
HR Summit & Expo Africa v2.7.2.0
KitApps, Inc.
With Africa's economies registering growthrates of over 5% for the last decade, Africa is shedding its skinand adopting a challenger mindset to achieve parity with globalcompetitors. Building Africa's workforce capability that is able tocompete globally will however be the key to unlocking Africa'spotential.From the organisers of one of the world's leading series of HRevents, HR Summit and Expo Africa is the ultimate platform for HRthought leaders and practitioners from all corners of the Africancontinent to discuss new innovations, HR strategies and solutionsto thrive on the world stage.
Philips Customer Events ME v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
This app features schedules for Middle Eastcustomer events. It will allow the users to see the schedules ofthe events and to share content directly via the app.
Bi Fikir v2.8.1.2
KitApps, Inc.
Bi Fikir finali ile ilgili her türlü bilgiye buradanulaşabilirsiniz.
2019 RCA Conference v2.8.1.2
KitApps, Inc.
This app is your guide to the annual Recycling Council of AlbertaWaste Reduction Conference. Find more information at The RCA's 2019 Waste ReductionConference "Sea Change" will be held from October 2-4, 2019 at TheFairmont Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper, Alberta. This three-dayconference features tours, educational sessions, exhibits, andnetworking events, and is the largest conference of its kind inCanada. Our mobile app keeps you up to date on the latestconference program, speakers, confirmed exhibitors, and sponsors,and has many other features.
BAC@Buck v2.7.3.3
KitApps, Inc.
The Buck Advisory Council, a non-governingbusiness council of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging,gathers prominent people from all over the world in finance,bio/pharma, medical devices, healthcare, law, philanthropy andgovernment who serve as informal ambassadors for the Buck and ourmission. We hold two conferences each year featuring the latestresearch and business developments around “all things aging.” Thisis a very dynamic, global and influential group of Buckstakeholders who advocate for the mission of the Buck by helping usmake new connections to governments, other research institutions,and the media worldwide. Members also provide advice on strategicpriorities, serve as ambassadors to raise the visibility of theInstitute’s achievements, and set the pace for philanthropicsupport. In return, they gain exclusive access to the leading mindsin age-related science, health policy and biotechnology.
IWCE v2.7.2.0
KitApps, Inc.
The International Window Coverings Expo (IWCE)is the only tradeshow and conference for the window coveringindustry in the U.S. In conjunction with Window Fashion VISIONmagazine, the tradeshow offers a forum for new products, topeducational programs and addresses issues and opportunities to helpindustry members improve their businesses
AWRA 2014 Annual Conference v2.5.0.3
KitApps, Inc.
The 2014 conference marks AWRA's 50th anniversary. Onthisauspicious occasion, it is timely to reflect on the state ofwaterresources management in the United States: What was the stateofwater management when AWRA was formed? How has watermanagementevolved as AWRA has matured into a premier waterresourcesorganization? What challenges and opportunities lay aheadfor watermanagement, for AWRA, and the water resources profession?Come anddiscover new solutions for your organization.This App provides the following functionality:•Detailed schedule with ability to createpersonalnotifications•Create your profile and post to public message board orsendprivate messages to colleagues and new contacts.•Twitter Feed for AWRA Annual Conference (#AWRA2014 and#AWRA50)and @AWRAHQ•Connect and post to your Social Media (LinkedIn, TwitterandFacebook)•Speakers list with detailed info•Map with routing functionality•Contact AWRA Staff
Sweden-Ukraine Business Forum v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
The official application to the 4thSweden-Ukraine Business Forum organized by Business Sweden and theEmbassy of Sweden in Kyiv, June 15-16, 2015.
Doosan Make It Happen v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
Doosan Babcock Conference and Awards. Make ithappen 2015
KU University Career Fair v2.6.5.11
KitApps, Inc.
The University Career Center at the University of Kansas offers awide range of quality services, including the annual UniversityCareer Fair, designed to support and challenge students at allpoints on the career development and implementation path.This app helps students prepare before the event, supports andguides students during the event, and assists them in makingpositive impressions when interacting with the attendingorganizations' representatives.
Formica National Sales Meeting v2.6.5.12
KitApps, Inc.
Follow along with the Formica National Sales Meeting with theAgenda App.Download for Formica Corporation employees and National SalesMeeting guests only.
Fixed Income Leaders Summit v2.6.3.4
KitApps, Inc.
Download the Fixed Income Mobile App Now ForAccess To: Latest Agenda, Attendee List, Direct Messaging, LivePolling, Group Discussions, Competitions and more!
Google Partners Accelerate v2.6.5.4
KitApps, Inc.
This App will guide you through your experience at GooglePartnersAccelerate 2015. Here you will find updates, speakerinformation,your schedule, maps and twitter feed. You can alsonetwork withfellow attendees who have the app. This event is aninvite onlyevent for Badged members of the Google Partners program.
Creativa Fest v2.7.3.3
KitApps, Inc.
Creativa Fest es un evento que tiene comoobjetivo desarrollar el entorno perfecto para construir lazos entrelos creadores emergentes y los profesionales, para que losestudiantes aprendan de los mejores talentos que la industria puedeofrecer y crear una comunidad que contribuya al crecimiento de laindustria del entretenimiento y la producción audiovisual deMéxico.Con la app de Creativa Fest podrás:· Consultar el horario, mapa, y biografías de losspeakers.· Encontrar negocios cercanos al WTC.· Hacer networking con otros asistentes.· Tener toda la información a la mano, cuando tu quieras.Creative Fest is an eventthat aims to develop the perfect environment to build ties betweenemerging and creative professionals, for students to learn from thebest talent in the industry can offer and create a community thatcontributes to the growth of industry entertainment and audiovisualproduction in Mexico.With Creative Fest app you can:· Check the schedule, map, and biographies of thespeakers.· Find businesses near the WTC.· Make networking with other attendees.· Have all the information at hand, whenever you want.
Pcon Pharma 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
ProcureCon Pharma provides you with strategiesto manage costs and find value in procurement and sourcingprocesses. Designed specifically for the pharmaceutical industry,ProcureCon Pharma will uncover timely issues and help direct andindirect procurement professionals master current initiatives andchallenges. You will learn how to improve supplier relationshipsand integrate strategic suppliers into your organization.Procurement executives will share methodologies to innovate andincorporate new technology tools into your solutions mix.ProcureCon Pharma is geared to give you insights on howprocurement, sourcing and purchasing impacts overall businessstrategy.
ProcureCon Europe 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
Often imitated, never duplicated. ProcureConEurope is the biggest benchmarking event for CPOs and seniorprocurement executives outside the US, bringing together more than280+ senior procurement professionals and 80+ CPOs from 35industries for 3 days of learning, networking and professionaldevelopment.Now in its 16th consecutive year, ProcureCon Europe works inpartnership with leading professional bodies and industry expertsincluding the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS)and SpendMatters, to assist procurement teams from all sectors totransform spend management into sustainable value creation.
43rd PCA GA v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
This app is for 2015 PCA General Assemblyattendees and will contain information about schedules, seminars,speakers, exhibit hall, sponsors, and news.
BNEF APAC Summit v2.6.6.2
KitApps, Inc.
Mobile conference app for attendees of theBloomberg New Energy Finance's Future of Energy APAC Summit 2015The Future of Energy Summit is a unique 2-day forum providing anunrivaled meeting place at the intersection of the energy markets,industry, finance and policy. It is the only future-of-energy eventpowered by Bloomberg New Energy Finance insight, data and news.The mobile app features:Exhibit Maps: Get the lay of the land with an exhibit halllayout, venue maps, and more.Agenda: Delivered through engaging panel discussions,informative breakout sessions, and provoking keynote addresses;plan your Summit experience with topics most relevant to you.Speakers: Themes and sessions are organized by leading analystsand thought-leaders who guide the conversation across sectors, riskfactors, and changing energy patterns.Network: Engage with 400 senior executives who are shaping thefuture of energy.Alerts: Stay up-to-date on the latest program changes andorganizer messages.
ADB Annual Meeting 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
The ADB 2015 app serves as your event guide toADB Annual Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan on May 2-5, 2015. App allowsusers to access event schedule, maps of the official hotels andvenue, venue floor plans, travel information and etc.
Acts 29 Pastors' Retreat '16 v2.7.4.2
KitApps, Inc.
Pastors' Retreat 2016 | Long Beach, CAThis is the event guide, that contains lots of usefulinformation to help you make the most of the retreat.It includes:- A schedule- A map of the venue- A map of Long Beach- Speaker information- Twitter information
PMI UK Synergy 2015 v2.7.3.1
KitApps, Inc.
The PMI UK Synergy app provides details ofthis years event including the programme, speaker details andlocation details.Synergy was born of a simple vision - a celebration of ProjectManagement aimed at everyone touched by the profession we holddear. Back in 2011 little did we realise how popular and how muchof a landmark event it was to become. Synergy was founded on threecore values:• Synergy is a celebration. Synergy aims to highlight the valueof project management and the impact it can have when put to useeffectively. We aim to do this in a fun, light hearted way and nottake ourselves too seriously! Something that will become apparentduring the course of today.• Synergy is inclusive. We want employers, professional bodies,academic institutions, government and of course most importantlypractising project managers to come together in recognition of thecontribution we make as a profession.• Synergy is affordable. For us this was never about profit,it’s about putting something back into the profession of which weare all a part. The event is organised almost entirely byvolunteers. We keep admission costs to an absolute minimum thanksto the fantastic support of our hard working volunteers, membersand supporters.
Keynote 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
KEYNOTE 2015: REBOOTING FINANCE WITH A NEWKIND OF LEDGEROn August 3rd 2015, the FinTech conference Keynote2015 will belanding in Los Angeles to unpack distributed ledgers - the techbehind bitcoin - and enlighten participants as to how they canrevolutionize the financial world with this radical new ledger.Geared for those that want to know not only how this newdisruptive tech works, but how it can work for them, Keynote2015offers a compact one-day agenda that boasts the biggest andbrightest names in the industry, including Surash Ramamurthi, YobieBenjamin, and Aaron Cooper from the DOJ.Keynote2015 will take place in the opulent surrounds of theLegendary Park Plaza Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Representativesfrom businesses such as Paypal, Square, Twitter and Uber will be inattendance alongside capital groups, investors from the digitalcurrency community and an audience of 500.Tickets are available at distributed ledgers matterAt the heart of bitcoin tech is the blockchain or distributedledger, a super-smart and lightweight way to track transactions andcontracts. Distributed ledgers are about to become a very big dealbecause they are not only faster and more efficient than ledgersused in mainstream finance today, but they are more secure aswell.The visionariesA technologically enlightened few have recently discovered theenormous potential of this new ledger and have begun capitalizingon its potential. The NASDAQ has invested more than $100 million inthis tech with the aim of implementing distributed ledgersenterprise-wide. UBS Bank also showed foresight when it recentlyset up a distributed ledger research lab in London with theintention of finding ways to dramatically increase institutionalefficiency.Tech futurists like Apple’s Steve Wozniak, entrepreneur JeremyAllaire and Virgin’s Richard Branson have begun moving millionsinto bitcoin tech, signalling the enormous potential thatdistributed ledgers hold for revolutionising the financialworld.First mover advantageDistributed ledgers have the potential to shake up the financialworld more than both mobile payment solutions and P2P bankingcombined. If this fact is new to you, you’re not alone.Most people are unaware of the massive impact this new tech isabout to have.Join Keynote2015 to get in on the ground floor and positionyourself to capitalise on this massive shift to the financiallandscape. The opportunities are enormous for those that understandthe potential.Get your ticket at and whereKeynote2015 will take place on August 3rd, 2015 at the LegendaryPark Plaza Hotel, 607 South Park View St, Los Angeles, California90057.For enquiries or information about sponsorship and exhibiting,contact:hello@keynote2015.comI look forward to seeing you in LA,Moe Levin
Customer Projects Poster Show v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
App providing information about the CustomerProjects Poster Shows. Includes: timeline, schedule, posterdescriptions, and more!
Agencies@Google 2.4.4
KitApps, Inc.
This is the official app for Accelerate Performance,anAgencies@Google event on April 8-9, 2014, at Google's EuropeanHQin Dublin.
Finance@Google 2015 v2.6.5.12
KitApps, Inc.
This is the official app for the Finance@Google event on September16th and 17th 2015, at Google's EMEA HQ in Dublin. The event willinclude a series of inspiring talks and interactive breakoutsessions, all led by Google's Finance specialists and our industryleading guest speakers.
LLNW Events v2.7.8.7
KitApps, Inc.
LLNW Events app is for Limelight Networksemployee events hosted throughout the year. The app featuresdetailed schedules, presenter information, event maps, and a socialfeed that allows you to communicate with your coworkers duringcompany events.
Bloomberg LIVE v2.7.2.0
KitApps, Inc.
Bloomberg LIVE convenes newsmakers,influencers and up-and-comers for candid and compelling conferencesthat complement the journalism we create for TV, print, digital,radio and the Bloomberg terminal–the world’s most valuable onlinecommunity comprised of hundreds of thousands of financialprofessionals. Our gatherings provide essential content and bringtop leaders together to exchange ideas and share expertise withtheir peers. Attendance is by invitation only.
Bloomberg Summer Internship 15 v2.6.5.4
KitApps, Inc.
This is the Bloomberg LP application for ourSummer Internship 2015 Programme. The purpose of this applicationis to inform our internship participants of the news and updates wewant to share with them over the course and for them tonetwork.
Tableau Partner Summit 2015 v2.6.5.9
KitApps, Inc.
Tableau Partner Summit is an annual regional conference dedicatedtopartners. These events provide exclusive access to Tableau’s2015product road map, offers early previews of next-generationproductsand programs and delivers in-depth training designed tohelp youaccelerate your business with Tableau.
Conferência da Tableau, Brazil v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
Este é um evento aberto a todos os nossosclientes que buscam novas formas de aproveitar ainda mais seuinvestimento no Tableau. Junte-se à Tableau para um dia cheio deconteúdo especialmente voltado às necessidades da AméricaLatina.This is an event open toall our customers seeking new ways to leverage further itsinvestment in Tableau. Join Tableau for a day full of contentspecially geared to the needs of Latin America.
AMEC 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
Welcome to AMEC 2015! SNMA is excited aboutthe programs and opportunities planned just for you. Explore ournew app which has updated information about each of our workshops,the exhibitors hall, networking events and much more!
Золотая Осень 2015 v2.7.1.2
KitApps, Inc.
Выставка «Золотая осень» - крупнейший аграрныйфорум России, на котором представлены лучшие инвестиционные проектыи бренды сельскохозяйственной продукции из регионов, стран ближнегои дальнего зарубежья.В этом году выставка состоится с 8 по 11 октября в четырех залахпавильона №3 и на открытой площадке МВЦ "Крокус Экспо".Ключевые события деловой программы - АгробизнесФорум и выставкаинвестиционных сельскохозяйственных проектов стран-участницБРИКС.The exhibition "GoldenAutumn" - Russia's largest agrarian forum, which presents the bestinvestment projects and brands of agricultural products from theregions, CIS and far abroad.This year the exhibition will be held from 8 to 11 October inthe four halls of Pavilion №3 and on the open ground "CrocusExpo".Key events of the business program - AgrobiznesForum andexhibition of investment projects of agricultural BRICS membercountries.
SCR TC2016 v2.7.4.2
KitApps, Inc.
62nd AnnualSouth Central Regional Teen Conference.Join us in Beaumont, TX on June 9-12, 2016
Mobi Event 2016 v2.7.4.2
KitApps, Inc.
Информационное мобильное приложение длямеждународной конференции по мобильным сервисам и платежам"MobiEvent"«Мобильные сервисы и платежи – MobiEvent» - первое в РеспубликеКазахстан отраслевое событие, в котором из года в год принимаютучастие видные представители национальных и международных банков,электронных платежных систем, систем мобильных платежей, операторовсотовой связи, разработчиков оборудования и программногообеспечения, контент и сервис-провайдеров.News mobile applicationfor an international conference on mobile services and payments"MobiEvent""Mobile Services and Payments - MobiEvent» - the first in theRepublic of Kazakhstan industry event, which every year is attendedby prominent representatives of national and international banks,electronic payment systems, mobile payments, mobile operators,developers, hardware and software, content and serviceproviders.
Future Stores v2.6.5.12
KitApps, Inc.
The conference brings together retail operations, omni-channel,customer experience and IT executives to focus on in-storeinnovation and how to bridge the digital and physical retailenvironments. Future Stores provides tactical strategies for brickand mortar retailers to optimize the in-store experience andachieve omni-channel integration.
Fortinet LATAM XTreme Team v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
LATAM XTreme Team Engineering is the Premiere"invitation only" membership event for the Best Fortinet partnersin Latin America, in an effort to recognize with exclusivetraining, content and awards, sales achievements and technicalexcellence every year.The Fortinet XTreme Team 2015 is taking place from October 26thto 30th, 2015 at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun, Mexico.The Official Fortinet XTreme Team Mobile App has the followingfunctionality:- Private Guide and Social features- Private chats and notifications- Agenda with ability to create personal notifications- Presenters Biographies- Logistics and event information- Website Viewer- Map with directions functionality
PharmaForce v2.6.5.12
KitApps, Inc.
In its 10th year, PharmaForce is the only life sciences eventthataddresses both marketing and sales strategies to achievecommercialsuccess. Bringing together 200+ VPs and Directors, ourattendeesare always pleased that we limit vendor attendanceandpresentations so you experience true pharma-to-pharmanetworking(2:1 pharma to vendor ratio). Plus, PharmaForce’sinteractiveformat eliminates “death-by-PowerPoint” and concurrentsessions letyou choose which topics to attend.PharmaForce launched in 2005 as the premier salesforceeffectiveness conference. But as regulation, budgetconstraints,and physician access limitations shifted more resourcesintonon-personal promotion, PharmaForce followed suit. Since 2011we'vecreated concurrent sessions of 50/50 content for both salesANDmarketing executives, as well as conversations to alignmarketingand sales promotional efforts to drive customer engagementand drugsales.We encourage you to use this event app to not only interactwithyour peers throughout the event, but also obtainconferenceupdates, locate sessions and exhibit information easily,askquestions for the PharmaForce staff and obtain the mostup-to-dateconference agenda. Enjoy the conference!
Tokyo in Tulsa 2016 v2.7.4.2
KitApps, Inc.
JOIN FANS OF ANIME, COSPLAY, GAMING, LIVEMUSIC, MANGA & MORE AT OKLAHOMA’S LARGEST 3 DAY JAPANESE &LOCAL CULTURE EVENT – TOKYO IN TULSA 2015!Tokyo in Tulsa (TnT) is a fan-based convention with a focus onJapanese Anime, Culture, and Pop Culture. With a mission of “ToEducate and Build Community Through Entertainment”, Tokyo in Tulsaproves that education does not have to come from traditionalsources and that even two vastly different world views can findcommon ground. From humble beginnings as a parking lot block partyand despite many road blocks, Tokyo in Tulsa has grown each andevery year!The Ninth Annual Tokyo in Tulsa will be held at the Cox BusinessCenter and DoubleTree Hotel in the heart of downtown Tulsa on July15-17, 2016. Tokyo in Tulsa hosts over 300 hours of programming forAnime, Gaming (Console, Arcade, PC, Retro, LARP, CCG, Laser Tag andTabletop), Japanese and Tulsa Culture, Art, Writing, Panels,Demonstrations, Workshops, Music, Shopping (with vendors, artistsand exhibitors from all of the country) and much more!Join Us for Three Days of Nonstop Fun!
cPanel Conference v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
cPanel Conference is an annual event thatbrings together some of the most prominent names in hosting forthree days of networking, knowledge sharing, and discussion aroundthe industry’s hosting platform of choice, cPanel & WHM.The cPanel Conference 2015 mobile app allows attendees,exhibitors, and speakers to get informed, stay connected, and makethe most of their High Tech conference experience. Enjoy aninteractive news feed filled with the latest discussions happeningaround the conference, peruse through the schedule of events andsessions, receive direct push notifications, and so much more.
2015 R&D Symposium v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
This will be used for our 2015 R&DSymposium meeting that will contain event agenda, speakers, socialevents and social networking.
2015 SEE PC R&D Summit v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
Announcing the 2015 Product Care R&DSummit. Join us for an exciting day discussing opportunities forR&D to lead Change the Game strategies and how we can directlyimpact the business of Product Care. It will be an excellent eventfor sharing and networking.
IBWSS 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
The 19th International Boating & WaterSafety Summit will be held in Sandestin, Florida, on Sunday, March29 - Wednesday, April 1, 2015.The International Boating & Water Safety Summit is thepremier conference event for training, awareness, meeting, andnetworking for anyone involved in boating and water safety. Generalsessions cover a broad spectrum of national and internationalconcerns with a focus on The Strategic Plan of the NationalRecreational Boating Safety (RBS) Program and implementationopportunities. Breakout sessions allow the individual to attendclasses geared toward their profession including Education, RiskManagement, Law Enforcement, Communication and Outreach. ConferenceRegistration is required to attend the IBWSS and Expo.For more information visit or contact
QRUG v2.6.6.2
KitApps, Inc.
Мобильное приложение QRUG – это гид поТренингу QRUG и профессиональным знакомствам по QlikView. Подробнаяпрограмма и карта Тренинга + мобильный нетворкинг.Основные функции приложения:•Создание профиля участника QRUG (через социальные сети иливручную)•Просмотр профилей всех участников QRUG и возможность отправкиличных сообщений до и во время Тренинга• Программа QRUG•Спикеры QRUG•Карта Тренинга и Экспо-зоны QRUG•Лента социальной активности в режиме реального времени•И многое другое.Скачайте приложение, создайте свой профиль при помощи аккаунтовсоциальных сетей (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter) или вручнуюи начинайте общаться с интересными Вам профессионалами по QlikViewдо и во время QRUG.Mobile application QRUG -this guide on training QRUG and professional acquaintances toQlikView. The detailed program and map Training + MobileNetworking.The main features of the application:• Create a profile member QRUG (through social networks ormanually)• View the profiles of all participants QRUG and the ability tosend private messages to and during the training• Program QRUG• Speakers QRUG• Map and Training Expo zone QRUG• Feed social activity in real time• And much more. Download the app, create a profile using the accounts ofsocial networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter) or manuallyand start chatting with you interesting for professionals QlikViewbefore and during QRUG.
Cherwell Global Conference v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
The third annual Cherwell Global Conferencebeing held at the luxurious five star Broadmoor Hotel and resort inColorado Springs, Colorado, September 1-September 4 2015.
g2g Summit v2.6.5.11
KitApps, Inc.
The g2g App is here to compliment your g2g Event in Zurich on April27th-29th 2015.• View Event Schedule - Including descriptions andlocations• Post photos and share comments live on G+• View Trainer Bios - Get more information on your favouritespeaker• Access Training Resources - Download course materials• Provide Event Feedback - Directly within the app• Volunteer to facilitate another g2g programmeg·2·g[gē-to-gē] -- Abbreviation for the "Googlers-to-Googlers" program,which enables Googlers to teach, share, and learn from eachother.The g2g program provides quality, scalable, Googler-drivenlearning in all offices globally. In fact, over 85% of all formallearning at Google happens through g2g!
WUSS 2015 v2.6.5.9
KitApps, Inc.
The WUSS 2015 Conference App allows attendeesto stay up-to-date with the latest program information and receivereal-time notifications about scheduled sessions, program changes,and Twitter updates. Users can create their own schedules, viewmaps, and browse sponsors, exhibitors and speaker profiles.WUSS, Inc. is the officially recognized SAS User Group of theWestern Region of the United States.This non-profit, educational organization provides SAS Systemusers a forum for the exchange of ideas and also providesprofessional development opportunities for SAS users.We encourage all SAS users to participate in the educational,training and networking opportunities that we provide, primarilyvia the annual WUSS conference.
Xactware UC 2016 v2.7.3.2
KitApps, Inc.
Xactware User Conference 2016 will be hostedin downtown Salt Lake City at The Grand America Hotel on February9-10, 2016 with an extra day of free training on February 11.The optional post-conference training is included with yourregistration but seating is limited, so please register today.
HR 2015 v2.6.6.5
KitApps, Inc.
The Global HR Conference meeting app willprovide delegates with the necessary documentation and informationprior to the Global HR Conference. Delegates will also be able toaccess the app during the meeting for further information andinteractive polling.